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Prince of a Baby (12.20.23)

Newspapers carried the joyous news of the birth of “Prince of a Baby” on September 16, 1984.  Prince Diana, with Prince Charles at her side, gave birth after nine hours of labor to her second child—a boy weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces, Buckingham Palace announced.

            “He’s a lovely baby,” said Prince Charles, who rushed from his wife’s side to a phone to call his mother, Queen Elizabeth, at BalmoralCastle in Scotland and Diana’s father, Earl Spencer.

            A crowd of hundreds of well-wishers outside St. Mary’s Hospital broke into cheers as a town crier from the Mayfair district, wearing a bright red coat and tri-corner had, shouted: “The Princess has given issue to a second child and it s boy!”

            Named Prince Henry Charles Albert David, the boy’s birth was probably the most publicized birth of the year.  In the final weeks before her delivery, the condition of the princess and her activities were reported by the British press, radio and TV in almost daily bulletins.  The attention of most Britishers was focused upon the young mother-to-be in Buckingham palace.  As the hour of birth approached, the tension mounted, especially around the hospital where the princess had been taken.  It seemed as though all England held its breath.  And when the news came, “It’s a boy!” it seems that spontaneous celebration broke out wherever there were two Britishers to congratulate each other.

            This child belonged to Great Britain as much as, if not more than, he did to his mother and father.

            At the time of his birth, Prince Henry Charles Albert David became the third in line to inherit the British throne, pushing the queen’s two other sons and a host of royal offspring further down the ascendancy list.

            After Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles became King of England.  His first born, who was a 2-year-old toddler at the time, Prince William of Wales, is in the No. 2 slot and also probably will become king.  And in third place is the new baby boy at the time, followed by Queen Elizabeth’s two younger sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.  Princess Anna, the queen’s only daughter was No. 6 on the list at that time.

            April 29, 2011, all grown up, Prince William picked a bride and married Duchess Kate.  Perhaps it was the marriage of the year, maybe the decade.  Maybe the biggest since Prince William’s mother and father got married years ago.

 In 2012, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge announced that his lovely wife Duchess Kate was pregnant, and experiencing morning sickness in the worse way.  Everybody on the royal waiting list will all have to move down one at the birth of this child.  The good news for the baby is it keeps its position on the waiting list, whether it’s a girl or boy, because the laws have been changed to allow it.

On July 22, 2013, Prince George of Cambridge was born.  On May 2, 2015, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge was born.  They are now the 3rd and 4th in line to the throne.

            The birth of the coming Messiah, according to the prophecy of Isaiah 9:7 would be such an event for the nation of Israel.  He was, indeed, born to the nation, and her hopes and her future would be fulfilled by Him.  The Deity of this coming One whose birth was predicted is clearly stated in the five-fold name given Him and in the clause “Unto us a Son is given.”  Most significant of all, this Coming One would be the only one born a king (Matt. 2:2). No one else would be in line to the throne.  No one would vote on it.  He was born King of Kings.

            The Senior High School at Carthage, Missouri, has an enrollment of about 800.  Every year before Christmas these young people hold a pre-Christmas service each morning for one week.

            These nondenominational services begin at 7 a.m. Adults are always welcome, but the services are planned and conducted entirely by the students.  A speaker, song leader, and scripture reader are chosen each day from among them.  Although the 7 a.m. time means these busy teen-agers, many living miles from the school, must get up extra early to attend, the attendance reaches as high as 500.

            One 18-year-old speaker said one year, “Let’s not permit the crowds to crowd Christmas out of our hearts.  Christ is not in the stores, but in the hearts of the people.  Let’s not give way to cynicism and mutter that Christmas has become commercialized.  It never will be unless you let it be.”

            Each year we do what we can to help as many people as we can, but the truth is we have never been able to do it on our own.  We just hope and pray we will have enough for whatever the needs maybe, and God has been good to us for over 33 years.  A few years ago my heart was touched even more than normal, when a lady knocked on my door and asked, “Are you going to be giving out food and toys this year like prior years?”  “Yes, we will!” I replied, “Do you want to know the date?”  She said “No!” I just wanted to give this to you to help”  “Thank you,” I said, “Is there anything I can do for you? “No,” she said, “I just wanted to do something for somebody else. I have a job, many don’t, including my husband, but I have to do something!” I said, “I will pray” and she handed me an envelope and walked away.  The amount of money given may not have been news worthy, but she changed my life.  It appeared as if she needed help herself, yet she wanted to help others.  To me that is the spirit of Christmas. 

            I hope this season; you will keep the spirit of Christmas in your celebration!