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What is Greater Love Ministries?Our VisionItineraryA Life of Thankfulness (11.20.2024)South Africa (10.23.2024)Kindness Goes A Long Way (8.11.2024)O-H-I-O (7.17.2024)Father's Day (6.12.24)The Father of "Mother's Day" (5.8.24)Try a Little Kindness (4.17.24)Bridges Connect Us (3.27.24)Martin Luther King, Jr. (1.17.24)Prince of a Baby (12.20.23)Did you see the story? Happy Thanksgiving! (11.15.2023)Run Back to Prayer (10.11.2023)God Help Our Minds (9.14.2023)Not just back, but better! (8.23.2023)Play Ball! (7.12.2023)I am still your Father (6.14.2023)Mother's are Powerful (5.10.2023)Easter Article (4.5.2023)Be a Beacon of Light and Hope For Today's Youth (3.19.2023)Plenty to Celebrate as We Mark Black History Month (2.26.2023)Dr. Martin Luther King (1.15.2023)Christmas Baby (12.21.21)Thankfulness (11.22.21)Challenge Darkness (10.14.21)20th Anniversary of 9/11 (09.15.21)Perseverance (08.11.21)The Greatest Love Story (07.07.21)Celebrating Mother's Day (5.06.21)Happy Easter! (3.31.21)The Message of Spring, Passover and Easter Season (3.18.21)Make A Positive Difference in the World! (2.17.21)Have a Merry Christmas! (12.16.20)The Great Calling of Being a Mother (5.7.20)Easter... A New Symbol of Victory!! (4.9.20)The Importance of Incentive in the Face of Challenges (3.12.20)Let us Turn on ALL the Lights!! (2.12.20)We Live on Hope! (1.15.20)A Story of Relationship and Redemption (12.22.19)Reflecting on the Spirit of Thanksgiving! (11.14.19)It's Never too Late to Chase Your Dreams! (10.17.19)Making Good Decisions and Avoiding Bad Reactions (9.11.19)Know How to Detect the Counterfeit! (8.22.19)Encouraging us to Look Towards the Bible for What is Morally Right (7.17.19)Honoring the role of fathers on Father's Day! (6.13.19)Encouraging us to cast out Fear with Love this Easter!! (4.18.19)Exhorting the Encouragement of our Young People! (3.14.19)Honoring Black History Month (2.14.19)Honoring the Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1.19.19)Showing us the True Meaning of Christmas Giving (12.19.18)Reminding us to be Thankful for Small Acts of Kindness and be Generous in Giving Kindness (11.14.18)Sharing Some Tips on to Cope and Deal with Stress (9.13.18)Sharing how Stress makes you Mentally and Physically Ill! (8.16.18)Sharing the difference between Love and Infatuation through a look at History! (7.19.18)Reminding us of the Importance of a Father's Role! (6.14.18)Reflecting on the great need and responsibilities of Mothers! (5.10.18)Showing us the meaning of Unconditional Love and how to share it! (4.11.18)Sharing the story behind the Bermuda Easter Lily which symbolizes the Resurrection! (3.15.18)About his Black History moment! (2.15.18)The Spirit of Christmas
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Bethlehem Temple History
Bethlehem Apostolic Temple was organized and pastored by the late Elder Fred Lacey of Philadelphia, PA in 1932 under the direction of the late Bishop S.N. Hancock. The first location was 2614 Market Street in the old U.I.N.A. Hall. At that time there was no baptismal pool, so the church got permission to dig a place for a pool and many souls were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.
Elder Lacey went back to Philadelphia and Elder Goodson of Detroit, Michigan became the new spiritual leader in 1933. The first building was condemned, and the church had to relocate. After occupying a couple other buildings, the church purchased a building directly across the street from its original location with the new address being 2617 Market Street. This had been a residential property and had to be renovated to fit the needs of the church.
In 1937, Elder Floyd E. Pitts of Bellaire, Ohio was the next pastor. It was during this time that Bethlehem Apostolic Temple became a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (P.A.W.). Due to the lack of a dam at that time, the church suffered many floods.
From 1941 to 1949, Elder Howard Moore of Springfield, Ohio and Elder Owen Carter of Dayton, Ohio pastored the church.
In 1949, Elder George Robinson became the next pastor and relocated the church to 2609 Market Street in the early ‘50s. This would be a new building, built on higher ground to escape the floods and if completed a large beautiful church building. However, the Urban Renewal bought the property for inclusion in its industrial program for Center Wheeling. The church again had to seek another location.
In 1961, the church again renovated a building located at 60-13th Street. At this time, the congregation had dwindled down to approx. a dozen members, but they did not give up, they kept trusting God.
In 1964, the now late Elder J.C. Allen of Dayton, Ohio accepted the pastorate of the church. In 1965, the name of the church was changed from Bethlehem Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith to Bethlehem Apostolic Temple. It was under this pastorate that the 330 N. Main Street church building was designed and erected in 1973. We began worship here on April 20, 1973 with a full Communion service and thanksgiving unto our God. On August 19, 1974, Elder Allen went on to be with the Lord.
After serving two years as acting pastor, Evangelist Evelyn E. Moyer was installed as pastor. In May 1990, Pastor Moyer retired from the pastorate of Bethlehem Apostolic Temple, with the honor of having one of the longest pastorates of this church and being one of the original members. We thank God for Pastor Moyer’s fifteen years of faithful service.
On June 15, 1990, God gave us our present leader, Dr. Darrell W. Cummings from Ashtabula, Ohio. There Dr. Cummings was the founder and pastor of Greater Love Church for over 10 years. Dr. Cummings is an energetic, anointed man of God and we have seen many souls added to the church and are believing God for many, many more. Already God has blessed us to get the gospel out through the Radio & TV ministries, the printed page, a bus ministry, and a food pantry. We continue to have great expectations that we will reach our “zenith” in Christ through the preaching and teaching of His word.